31 ways to optimize ecommerce conversion rate

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How to optimize the "ecommerce conversion rate"?

conversion rate optimization

4 rules for converting

Remove distractions

Remove all elements of the page that are not functional to the conversion

Remove obstacles

Remove unnecessary mandatory fields etc.

Instill a sense of security

Enter payment security information and symbols

Instill a sense of urgency

Communicate low product availability or expiration of promotions

Optimizing the ecommerce conversion rate means optimizing the user experience. There are two types of conversions that we can have on the site: macro and micro conversions

Macro conversions generally mean the completion of the purchase, while micro conversions are varied and include registration for the newsletter, filling out a contact form or adding a product to the cart but without the purchase.

Here are 31 tips to improve the user experience and facilitate ecommerce conversion.

  1. Give visible and clear the call to actions (CTA). The action buttons must be visible "above the fold" or "sticky" (always visible even when scrolling ". And they must contain a relevant action verb for example:" buy now "," download free "," book now " or others.
  2. To reduce at least the number of fields of the forms to fill out.
  3. To reduce at a minimum i Required fields in the forms
  4. Enter a form for the inscription at the newsletter in the footer and in the content of the main pages
  5. Use free content or something else incentive for increase the inscriptions to the newsletter
  6. To offer two or three incentives different on the site to better meet the expectations of different users.
  7. Insert some popup form to collect leads (email addresses)
  8. Explain which problem or need of the customer our product solves. Unique selling proposition mail must address a specific customer problem. 
  9. Explain the guarantees on product ex. 24 months, 10 years.
  10. Explain the guarantees on the purchase 30 days to change your mind and receive a full refund
  11. Explain the guarantees on treatment of the data. No spam, we do not give your data to others
  12. To insert symbols on the safety payments such as a padlock
  13. Reduce the distractions in the checkout and in the landing pages
  14. Making the texts of the landing page consistent with the ads advertising
  15. Insert the customer reviews in the vicinity of the call to actions and in the landing pages
  16. Use countdown to push the user to speed up the purchase
  17. Test two or more versions of CTA to see which works best ab testing
  18. Offer multiple payment methods for example Paypal, Credit Card, Bank Transfer
  19. Reduce page loading time reducing the weight of the images
  20. Make sure all the site is protected through https 
  21. Offer one chat or phone number for support During the purchase 
  22. Use of animated graphics to draw attention to specific elements of the page
  23. To use infographics to explain the product for sale 
  24. To locate the descriptions of the products in the customer's language
  25. Secure the readability and usability too on cell phone
  26. Proof of purchase to make sure the site and checkout are working properly
  27. Enlarge the size of the buttons on the cabinet
  28. To insert a own photo on the landing page. This reduces the sense of risk for the customer by knowing that there is a real person behind the product or service being offered
  29. To use photo of smiling people, it is widely believed that smiling people convert better.
  30. Looking at Google Analytics which pages have a bounce-rate is a high exit-rate, analyzing why and optimizing them
  31. Look in Google Analytics which pages have a high conversion rate but low traffic and promote them by giving them more visibility on the site or through advertisements.

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