5 competition tactics for tennis matches

In the game the pressure increases, so having a match tactic and knowing how to behave (which shot to hit, where to shoot, etc.) in any situation can ensure a considerable advantage over the opponent, especially if he does not have a match tactic.

This video explains 5 different situations for which there are very specific behaviors to keep during the game.

The 5 competition situations
1) You are at the service 
2) Reply to the service
3) Both players from the baseline
4) Approaching the net with the opponent on the baseline
5) From the baseline with the opponent approaching the net or already at the net
In each of these situations the behavior is different.
1) When you are serving you can be aggressive on the ball and attack, the important thing is to have a serve you can rely on. A non-functional serve will give the opponent an advantage.
2) When receiving the service it is important to respond to any type of service. Most players try the strongest serve as the first serve so it can be very difficult to respond and the priority in this case is to put the ball back on the court. The second serve is generally slower so you have the option of attacking in response to the second serve. You can also move to a forward position to receive the second serve. This takes time away from the opponent by sending the ball back more quickly. You have to adapt your approach to serving as the game progresses and you become better acquainted with your opponent's behavior.
3) when you are both on the baseline, the important thing is to make quality shots both forehand and backhand. It is more difficult to win the point from this position. Possible tactics are: waiting for the opponent to make a mistake, pushing the opponent left and right to create space to attack. If you are under pressure, the important thing is to put the ball back on the field (in this case it is better to have a high and long ball towards the back line that allows you to resume the position ed).
4) When you get close to the net or you are at the net. When an opponent throws you a short ball you have the possibility to hit the ball from the half court and then approach the net to make a volley (volley). The volley is an opportunity to close the point. When you are at the net the opponent can try to overtake you with a lob (lob) or a passer-by along the line.
5) When you are on the baseline and your opponent is at the net. In this case it is likely that you are in defense, in this case you can try to overtake the opponent with a blow to the sides that he cannot reach or with a lob.
Race tactics to use in all situations:
A. consistency, consistency hitting the ball over the net and onto the field. It seems trivial but if you do not do it you lose the point and if you do it forces the opponent to respond and therefore could make a mistake. 

B. accuracy, being precise in directing the ball to a precise point on the field allows the opponent to move within the field and make it difficult for him to stay in a good position and make good responses
C. keeping a good position is essential to make high quality shots. Learn to position yourself in the center of the corner of the opponent's response, this allows you to identify the direction of the ball more quickly.
D. Use your strengths (play to your strenghts), use the shots that come best. If your best shot is the forehand, using it more often will increase the odds of winning the point.
E. Taking advantage of the opponent's weaknesses. Forcing the opponent to hit the ball more frequently with the shot less suited to them will increase your probability of success, be careful in this case that the opponent could improve that shot thanks to excess practice.

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