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tecniche di project management

10 fundamental project management techniques

Project management is a profession and as such involves the use of techniques that must be known and applied. In this article we will see 10 techniques to be used in the 5 phases of the project life cycle: At the beginning of the project, in the phase defined as initiating by the PMI, where the project must be started, it is essential to understand what the project wants to achieve and who will be responsible for the project in this phase. Two techniques can be used in this phase*: 1) The creation of the project […]

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Project Management

What project managers need to monitor

Tracking, or monitoring the progress of work with respect to the time and scope decided, is one of the main tasks of a project manager, but it is far from an obvious task. 1) The question that all project managers who are about to do tracking ask themselves is, what do I have to monitor? At what level of detail do I have to go to be sure I am doing a good job as a project manager? The first thing to know is that the level of detail

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Project Management

3 mental aspects of tennis: intuition, anticipation, observation

A good start is half the battle. And a good start in tennis is half the battle to a great shot. The first mental aspect is the ability to guess where your opponent is going to hit. Intuition obviously does not come from the ability to predict the future but from careful observation of the opponent's movements. Both in serving and in returning from the baseline where the movements are wider, you need to carefully observe the opponent's preparation of the shot. The other element

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Fitness for managers

5 mental steps to hit right straight

As a tennis apprentice I am always looking for those mental patterns that allow me to hit the ball well and consistently. Here are the mental steps to follow step by step to correctly hit the shots, shot after shot: 1) Position of feet (left forward to hit forehand for right-handed people) and arms (left forearm at the height of the point of impact with the ball and right open behind); 2) Inhalation, it is better to inhale before hitting the ball and

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Fitness for managers

Tennis: the step by step service

The serve is the most difficult shot in tennis, but it is of fundamental importance in modern tennis. The serve is a completely mental shot, so I will explain below what the practical and consequential mental steps are to execute the serve. From the moment it is time to serve: 1) Take position for the first serve, make yourself comfortable, 2) Think about where you want to aim, 3) Dribble with the hand holding the ball, bouncing it 20 centimetres inside the line.

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Fitness for managers
Tracking approach

What project managers should track and how

Tracking is one of the main duties of a project manager, but deciding what to track and how is not always obvious. 1) First thing to know is that the level of detail of tracking is decided by the project manager. It's up to you to decide if you want to track a project at work package level, activity level or task level. You automatically decide at what level to track the project when you plan it. Think about it.

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Points in common between Scrum and Prince2

Usually, we tend to highlight the differences between waterfall and agile methodologies. But it is also interesting to note the common points: for example, 'product planning'. One of the mantras of the agile methodology is the ability to complete portions of potentially usable product. To do this, sprint planning is necessary, which consists of grouping a series of functionalities to be developed and delivered within the time frame of the sprint. Prince2 instead provides that the planning of the entire project is done starting from the identification

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Project Management

Difference between product scope and project scope

In PMI methodology, the product scope answers the question “what will the product do when completed” while the project scope answers the question “what activities will be performed during the project”. For example, creating a post-release maintenance plan for the product may be part of the project scope “project scope” but not part of the product scope “product scope”. In terms of project evaluation, we say that the results of the product scope are measured

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Management, Project Management

Difference between 'Product scope' and 'Project scope' in Pmbok

According to the PMI (Project Management Institute) the product scope is what the product should or should not be, or do, once completed. For example the scope of a new coffee machine to be manufactured could be to make not only espresso coffee but also cappuccino and hot water for tea. The Project scope are the activities and deliverables that need to be performed/delivered during the project life cycle. For example, customer training on the product could be part of the project scope

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Project Management