Management and Communication

Communication to manage the company and the staff.

It is impossible not to communicate

Zeno said: The gods have given us only one mouth and two ears to hear double and speak half

A large part of the manager's view has shifted to communicating: talking, negotiating, relating, presenting in public.

The ability to know how to communicate is therefore as important as that of knowing how to diagnose and decide. In fact, even the most perfect of diagnoses is not really useful if it cannot be adequately explained. The manager is therefore also a perfect communicator

What is communication in the company and what is it for?

The communication flows in the company can be summarized as follows:

  • Vertical / horizontal / transversal communication: follows the hierarchical line: top -> down; bottom -> up
  • Formal / informal communication

It is essential that there is a vertical and horizontal flow of information, without these it will not be possible to build that much-needed sense of belonging in the members of the group.

To be effective, communication must necessarily consist of a dialogue.

How is effective communication done?

The effectiveness of communications depends more on the sender's attitude towards the recipient than on the sender's ability to speak, write or otherwise formulate the message. In other words, "the way in which one communicates influences more than the message itself".
A word spoken in anger can have a completely different meaning from the same word spoken in a friendly tone.

Here is how verbal language and do not intervene in Verbal Communication:
Words (10%) : only the 10% of what is communicated is “said” through words. The 90% of the message is therefore Delivered through non-verbal communication.
Tone (35%): a word spoken in anger can be interpreted differently from the same word spoken in a friendly tone.
Proxemics (55%): proxemics includes gesticulation, posture, distance between interlocutors. These elements communicate the 55% of the message is important.

The use of the visual channel, i.e. the use of drawings, symbols or diagrams, in addition to stimulating the attention of the interlocutors more, proves to be particularly suitable for synthesizing a complex idea, otherwise difficult to represent and sustainable with the use of the channel alone. verbal. The use of visual aids leads to separate the content from the physical subject who is proposing it (the what from who) and makes adherence to the message statistically more probable.

Effective communication techniques

The implied. Consists in to pass a concept as true without the interlocutor paying attention. For example: "Where did you meet Mary?". “Who gave you this document?”, “Your intervention did not bring any results”. In the first question it is implied that you have known that person, in the second question it is implied that someone has given you the document referred to, in the third "your intervention" is implied. When debating an issue, letting your opponents pass implicit means agreeing with them on statements that can then be used against you at a later time.

Persuasion, on the contrary, is operated through the issuance of a communication, usually (but not necessarily) of a verbal type, during which the source gives maximum space to emotion, making extensive use of expressive language, arriving to affect the emotional sphere. "Convincing" a person means providing him with a rational explanation, through structured and organic communication [.] ..

"The mirroring". It consists ofadopt verbal expressions, attitudes and ways of doing of your interlocutor. When a person sees his own ways in the other, he gains more confidence.

(R. Archibald Managing relationships in project management)

Knowing how to listen: how to practice active listening.

Knowing how to listen ”means being capable of don't miss a single syllable of the message that is sent to us.

What to do while listening:

  • Turn your gaze to the person who is delivering the message
  • Show maximum interest in what they are saying
  • Reach out in the direction of the speaker
  • Ask questions to clarify and detail the message when the speaker has concluded the message or a section of it.
  • To make listening evolve into an opportunity to extend one's knowledge

What not to do while listening:

  • Don't try to get to the final conclusions right away
  • Never interrupt him while speaking

1) Listen to your employees with the utmost attention. If the listener gets the impression that you are not genuinely interested he will not reveal his thoughts to you. Give feedback while listening.
2) Ask exploratory questions aimed at better understanding. Formulate the questions using the same words or similar words to show that you understand.
3) If during the exposure your interlocutor makes pauses of silence, do not take the opportunity to interrupt him, as long as the pause is not too long.
4) Try to capture the interlocutor's tone, expressions and gestures. Ex: “I bet you found that job very boring”. By recognizing and talking about feelings your employee has tacitly expressed, you can stimulate further upward communication while improving his morale.
5) Avoid showing approval or disapproval. If you want him to keep talking to you, you need to be neutral.
6) Respect for diversity within the group. Differences and conflicts are what improve the performance of the group.

Mistakes to avoid

Giving incomplete information: the communication must be complete; unless specific confidentiality reasons are involved; all data and information necessary to support one's thesis must be presented in their entirety.

Thinking of an answer while the other is still speaking: inevitably leads to losing a part of the words of the enunciator.

Do not keep your word: credibility is essential to win the trust of others; to be credible, you need to keep your word.

Communicate without verifying that the interlocutor has understood your message.

Control questions, communicated effectively?

1) Do you communicate clearly without ambiguity?
2) Do you verify that your communications have been fully understood?
3) Do you communicate frequently?
4) Do you communicate only to place orders or do you also give space to the expectations of collaborators?

Questioni di interpretazione

To know more:
Vitalliano Kettliz, How to deal with your collaborators, Francoangeli
R. Archibald Managing relationships in project management, Francoangeli

Further reading
Neuro-linguistic programming
Public Speaking: Public Speaking

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