CEOs are often curious about digital marketing and they seem to be fascinated by SEO
SEO Search Engine Optimisation for CEO and CIO
SEO Search Engine Optimization for CEO and CIO

Introduction to SEO for CEOs

What CEOs need to know about SEO Search Engine Optimization is:

  1. SEO brings qualified traffic to the site at a lower cost than advertising and in a more lasting way than performance marketing
  2. Content is needed for which the company must commit to creating editorial content.
  3. It is not only a technical issue but also involves the communication offices of companies *

In particular, I think the last point is worthy of reflection: in more than 20 years of working in the fashion and luxury goods sector, I have never been able to make CEOs understand that SEO is not something to be delegated to the developer on duty. or, when there is, to the e-commerce manager because:

  • SEO needs editorial content which means creating written texts and images, more texts than images. Who takes care of this in the company? The developer? No. The e-commerce manager? No. Maybe the communications department? Maybe. Doesn't the communication office like the idea of making an online magazine for the brand? Why don't they have the resources or other reason ?? Then you are not doing SEO.
  • SEO requires inbound and outbound links or bloggers or online magazines that link to your site. Who can link to your site? I leave the answer to you.

This article is aimed at CEO, CMO and CIO who are not familiar with the benefits and techniques of search engine optimization, but still have to deal with them.

This article is a short guide for business managers on what to expect and how to manage an SEO project in the company.

In this article you will find answers to:

Why is SEO important to my business?
How do I know if my product or brand is high on Google?
How to do an SEO check up of your site?
What results should we expect from an SEO project?
SEO internally or outsourced?
SEO what skills should you have internally and which ones to outsource?
Why is SEO important?
How do I get to the first page of Google?

It is likely that around the 50% of visits to your sites come from Google or from another search engine. Therefore, be at the top of the search results page (SERP) for keyword that represent your brand or product is critical .

Some people think digital space is different from physical space (street, shop) because it doesn't have the limited available space problem . It is not true. If you think of via Montenapoleone in Milan where the number of shops and brands that can find space is substantially fixed, the same goes for the sites that can be included in the first page of Google search results.

"We all work to be on the first page on Google" and if possible in the first positions of the first page.

How to know if my product or brand is in the top places?

The first thing to do is a search, but not a trivial search as you would do every day: before carrying out a search you must open a "clean window" of a browser  and then google your brand or product. If you don't open the incognito window, the results you will get will be distorted and you may get the impression that you are at the top of the page, while you are not.

Screenshot 22-09-2018 del 18.01.08

In the search results page the paid results will appear first at the top, preceded by a box containing the word "Ad" which stands for a paid ad and immediately after the so-called organic search results. It is important to be present in both.

How to do an SEO check up of your site?

There is a free tool from Google that allows you to check your health and monitor the progress of the search engine called Google Search Console. To activate it you need to go to and add a property that is your site. It's a very simple setup that every ecommerce or digital manager needs to know how to do. You should ask him to do this.

What results should we expect?

THE KPI of the SEO can be:

Growth of organic visits to the site . To be measured via Google Analytics (free) or similar tool
Improved average position in brand keyword search results (where 1 is the maximum) of brand and product keywords in Google search results. To be measured via Google Search Console (see link above)
Average click-through rate (CTR) of the site to be measured via Google Search Console

Internal SEO or outsourcing?

My advice is to have in-house the strategic and technical skills to manage SEO and then make use of external experts able to add value and provide the necessary manpower at the right price.

In addition, making it redundant does not create a single point of failure (SPOF), that is, it guarantees business continuity.

Which SEO skills and activities need to be done internally and which ones to outsource?

Comparative table

In homeOutsourcing
SEO strategy, goal setting, measurements. 

Definition of the SEO strategy together with the Agency Integration of the SEO strategy within the Marketing / Ecommerce strategy

Stay up to date on SEO trends

Evaluate the agency's proposals in relation to the objectives and business strategy Evaluate the estimates of time and costs proposed by the agency.

Provide technical support and content where needed.

Measure and weigh the results

Ownership of the Search Console account and any other tools used
Technical and specialist skills
Good practice.

Project management skills (ROI / Effort / Planning). 

Definition of the SEO strategy together with the company

Measurement of SEO interventions

Market news / How to implement them


Text optimization in SEO translations

Content Upload

Tech Robot management

Site map management

Canonical implementation, redirects, etc ...

SEO Search Engine Optimization - For manager and non-digital managers
September 9, 2018 Management Edit

This article is for CEOs, CMOs and CIOs who are not familiar with Search Engine Optimization benefits and techniques, but they need to deal with it anyhow.

This article constitutes a brief handbook for company managers on what to expect and how to manage an SEO project in the company.

In this article you will find the answers to:

Why is SEO important for my company?
How do I know if my product or brand is among the top places on Google?
How to do an SEO check up of your site?
What results should we expect from an SEO Project?
In-house SEO or outsourcing?
SEO which skills should you have in-house and which ones to outsource?
Why is SEO important?
How do I get to the first page of Google?

About 50% of visits on your sites are likely to come from Google or another search engine. Therefore, being in the first places in the search results page (SERP) for the keywords that represent your brand or product is vital.

Some people think that the digital space is different from the physical space (street, shop) because it does not have the problem of limited available space. It's not true. If you think of via Montenapoleone in Milan where the number of stores and brands that can find space is substantially fixed, the same applies to sites that may be included in the first page of Google search results.

“We all work to be on the first page of Google” and if possible in the first positions of the first page.

How to know if my product or brand is among the first places?

The first thing to do a search, but not a banal search as you would do everyday: before you search you have to open a “clean window” of a browser and then search on Google for your brand or product. If you don't open the Incognito window the results you will get will be biased and you may have the impression to be top of the page, while you are not.

On the search results page the paid results will appear first on top, preceded by a box containing the word “Ad” which stands for a paid advertisement and immediately after the so-called organic search results. It is important to be present in both.

How to do an SEO check up of your site?

There is a free tool from Google that allows you to check your health and monitor the progress of the search engine that is called Google Search Console. To activate it you have to go to and add a property ie your site. It is a very simple configuration that every ecommerce or digital manager must know how to do it. You should ask him / her to do it.

What results should we expect?

The KPIs of the SEO can be:

Growth of organic visits on the site. To be measured through Google Analytics (Free) or similar tool
Improved average position in sarch results for brand keywords (where 1 is the maximum) of brand keywords and produced in Google search results. To be measured through Google Search Console (see link above)
Average Click Through Rate (CTR) of the site to be measured through Google Search Console

In-house SEO or outsourcing?

My suggestion is to have in house the strategic and technical skills to manage the SEO and then make use of external experts that can give added value and provide the necessary labor at the right price.

Also, by making it redundant you don't create a single point of failure (SPOF), ie you ensure continuity of the business.

Which SEO skills and activities need to be done in-house and which ones to outsource?

Comparative table

In HouseOutsourcing
SEO strategy, definition of objectives, measurments. Definition of SEO strategy together with Agency


Integration of the SEO strategy within the Marketing / Ecommerce strategy

Stay updated on SEO trends

Evaluate the agency's proposals in relation to company objectives and strategy

Evaluate the time and cost estimates proposed by the agency.

Provide technical support and content where necessary.

Measure and weight the results

Ownership of the Search Console Account and any other tools used

Technical and specialist skills
Best practices.Project management skills (ROI / Effort / Planning).


Definition of the SEO strategy together with the company

Measurement of SEO interventions

Market news / How to implement them


Text optimization in SEO
Content Upload

Robots management
Site Maps management
Canonical implementation, redirects, etc.


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