How to leave your comfort zone with confidence

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The necessity to leave our comfort zone in order to achieve more is nowadays considered a must do.

In management discussions online and off-line everybody says you must leave your comfort zone, because your comfort zone is what is keeping you from changing your old habits and achieve more in life and work.

I am not saying that’s not true: I am always searching for new things to experiment with, and looking for innovations. I also believe taking risks is a fundamental part of management.

However, just before you decide to leave your comfort zone and head into the unknown, take a few minutes to analyze what you are doing and plan for it. It’d be a good idea to also have a roll back plan, just in case the new project doesn’t work out as expected.

If you still think that a gut decision is what is needed here and now, just take a look at the video below.


Another approach is to just seize the opportunities that present themselves to you. You can watch the movie Yes Man with Jim Carrey. See the trailer below.


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